Illustrators Opportunities


CenCal Illustrators are encouraged to share their website or online portfolio for a chance to win Most Promising Portfolio (and a prize)! This is a perfect opportunity to update and edit your online presence before the conference.

Eligibility: SCBWI premium (paid) members registered for Saturday’s 9/21/24 in-person Writers & Illustrators Day conference are eligible to participate. * SCBWI Membership must be current and active at time of registration; if you are not sure of your status, contact SCBWI Headquarters for assistance.

1.    Email your portfolio link to the CenCal Illustrator Coordinator Jaime Zollars ( no later than Sunday September 1st 11:59pmPST and you will be entered.

2.    The winner will be announced at Saturday’s 9/21/24 in-person Writers & Illustrators Day conference at the Camarillo Community Center. 

3.    Please direct any contest questions to Illustrator Coordinator Jaime Zollars (


We encourage illustrators to participate in our portfolio showcase at Saturday’s 9/21/24 in-person Writers & Illustrators Day conference at the Camarillo Community Center.

Eligibility: SCBWI premium (paid) CenCal members registered for Saturday’s 9/21/24 in-person Writers & Illustrators Day conference are eligible to participate. * SCBWI Membership must be current and active at time of registration; if you are not sure of your status, contact SCBWI Headquarters for assistance.

1.    Email Illustrator Coordinator Jaime Zollars ( by Sunday September 1st to confirm your participation so that she can reserve room for your portfolio at our conference table.

2.    Prepare your portfolio. Edit your favorite work to include about 8-15 images that best showcase your fit for young readers. As a general rule, it is better to include just your best work, even if it is less work! * Print each image and display in a portfolio no larger than 9x12 when closed. * You may also wish to bring a book dummy; if so, please plan to attach it to your display as these tend to be small and may accidentally get picked up by a viewer or otherwise become lost.

3.    We suggest you also bring postcards or business cards to have available near your work. This will help you create connections with peers and speakers who are interested in your work.

4.    Bring your portfolio and promotional materials (See Step 3) to share at the 9/21/24 in-person event. * We’ll have opportunities for you to meaningfully comment on the work and receive some feedback from conference participants.

5.    Important Eligibility and Other Information: You must be an active SCBWI CenCal PAL member to participate.

6.    Please direct any contest questions to Illustrator Coordinator Jaime Zollars (


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