Faculty Feedback

Most of our faculty has agreed to offer Faculty Feedback sessions, often also called 1on1s, or Industry Professional critiques (in comparison to Peer critiques). At this year's Europolitan, eleven of our presenters will offer critiques.

Portfolio, Picture Book Dummies, and PB Manuscripts

Faculty offering Portfolio-Reviews, Picture Book Dummies and Picture Book Manuscripts are: Jutta Bauer, Alisha Niehaus Berger, and Anita Lehmann. In addition to the categories mentioned above, Anita Lehmann will also take Non-Fiction Manuscripts. Jutta Bauer will also consider submissions in German Language.

Middle Grade and Young Adult Manuscripts

Faculty available for MG&YA Manuscript feedback are: Melinda Salisbury, Candy Gourlay, Non Pratt, Anthony Hinton, and (from the Paula Peretti Agency) Diana Steinbrede and Julia Smith. Anthony Hinton will also consider Graphic Novel Submissions. Diana Steinbrede and Julia Smith will also consider submissions in German.

Self-Publishing Consultation

Self-publishing can be daunting. How do I get started? What do I do next? Why is my book not selling? If you need help getting your great idea for a children’s picture book on the market, then you have come to the right place. In addition to writing and illustrating, Kelley has been doing self-publishing consulting for the last three years. She can guide you through the publishing process from start to finish. If you write middle grade, Laurel can help you find a sustainable strategy. Are ISBNs, exclusivity, or distribution decisions holding you back? As a staff writer for Indie Author Magazine, Laurel has done all the overthinking, so you can move forward without it. As a perk if you sign up for a 1on1 with either Kelley or Laurel, they will offer you an additional 20 minute virtual 1on1 session some time after the conference valid for one year.

Scope of submissions for the different categories:

Illustrator Portfolio: submit scans of up to 7 (seven) illustrations. Please make sure the files contain your name.

Picture Book Dummy: submit one PB Dummy. Spreads should be grouped together. File name: Name_title.doc (or .docx, or .pdf)

Picture Book Manuscript: submit one PB Manuscript. File name: Name_title.doc (or .docx, or .pdf)

MG/YA Novel: submit the first chapter or up to 3000 words of your novel plus a 250word synopsis. Format: Please use the regular Shunn Manuscript Format (12pt TNR, double spaced, synopsis on title page, .doc .docx .pdf - template below)

Self-Pub consultation: You'll receive a questionaire from Laurel or Kelley to get the most out of your consultation.

Faculty Feedback is an Add-on at additional costs for €65 for SCBWI Members and €85 for Non-Members per booked feedback session. The conference schedule contains two blocks for these sessions, one on Saturday afternoon and a second on Sunday afternoon. Each Feedback session block has up to 5 places á 15 minutes; you will be notified about your specific 15-minute slot a couple days ahead of the conference. The latest slot on Sunday will be scheduled 3:50pm to 4:05pm. We ask that you keep this in mind when planning your return travel.

Submission deadline: Thursday, Septmber 26th