
Schedule Overview

Friday Fun - Optional Activities after 2pm

Cologne Cathedral Tour

Private guided tour of Cologne Cathedral Price: €12 Join us on a private guided tour of Cologne's famous cathedral. We'll meet in the lobby of the YH and walk to the cathedral together. Don't worry, it's just a 10-15 minute stroll across the river Rhine. The tour itself will be about 60 minutes.

Scrawl and Scribble Crawl

We'll start in the YH lobby and explore some of the most picturesque spots in the city, stopping to draw or write along the way. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet other creatives, get inspired, and enjoy a day of creativity. No extra costs.

Guided tour of Troisdorf's Picture Book Museum

private tour (in English) of the treasures and exhibition of the Serafina, the German illustration prize awarded by the German Academy of Children's books. Price: €15

Saturday, October 26

First day of the conference weekend.

Keynote - 8:30am - 9:30am

Welcome and Keynote: Bibliodiversity - The Power of Globally Diverse Children’s Books

Keynote on Bibliodiversity after a quick welcome by Katja Rammer, RA of the host region Germany Austria.

The publishing pathways for children's books of the 21st century are increasingly diverse: from big publishers to small presses to self publishing, from hybrid to educational to mission-driven nonprofits. But whatever journey a book takes to reach its audience, one thing is certain: stories, especially those for children, remain harbingers of hope in challenging world. Alisha Niehaus Berger will discuss key aspects of new and traditional publishing pathways, highlight what we can learn today from how publishers have weathered hard economic times and new technologies in the past, and ultimately suggest what all of this might mean for the future of children’s books and their creators.

Morning break - 9:30am - 10:00am

Enjoy hot drinks, grab a beverage from the fridge and have a snack before heading to your next session.

Breakout 1 - 10:00am - 11:30am

Illustrators & PB track: Each Book is Like a New Child [Jutta Bauer]

(Presentation) - Jutta Bauer believes that stories are like vessels. When they are send out into the world they are like children, ready to grow into the form the reader wants or needs them to take. The reader, no matter how young or old they are, fills the story with their experiences and expectations, and make them their own. In her presentation, Jutta Bauer prompts the audience with questions, and provides answers, a multitude of pictures, and insight in how different the book-making process can be: something completely new and individual - very single time.

MG & YA track: Connections (Part 1) - Find Fresh Associations in an Old Draft [Melinda Salisbury]

(Workshop) Have you ever been told that your story would be better if you'd cut some character, setting or plotline, only for it to feel impossible? The purpose of these sessions is to equip writers with the belief they CAN make HUGE changes to their manuscripts without having to scrap the whole thing and start again. It’s simply a matter of breaking the story into its composite parts and making new connections between them. This two-part workshop will focus on forging and then breaking connections, giving writers the confidence to unpick their own stories and rebuild them, exploring how and why unravelling your work can sometimes make it even stronger.

Industry Insights track: Self-Publishing Essentials: Learn the Basics then Level Up Your Marketing! [L. Decher & K. Donner]

(Interactive Session) Learn the basics of children’s book self-publishing & marketing in this engaging & dynamic workshop from experienced Indie authors Kelley Donner and Laurel Decher. This session begins with a concise presentation covering the self-publishing journey from initial concept to the final published book. Then, you'll team up for a collaborative marketing game inspired by Dungeons&Dragons. Join forces and step into the exciting world of self-publishing, where you’ll match your strengths to potential strategies, and learn how to effectively market your book to reach its fullest potential.

Breakout 2 - 11:40am - 12:40pm

Illustrator & PB track: Tough Topics - How to Deal with Difficult Themes in Picture Books [Alisha Niehaus Berger]

(Presentation) Even in picture books not everything is coming up roses. Children live in the same world we live in - and that can also contain heartbreak, loss or other trauma. Alisha will talk about including these and other difficult themes in picture books that educate and explain challenging matters and help children to become more resilient and understanding.

MG & YA track: Brilliant Beginnings –– How to Craft a Persuasive Springboard Beyond the First Page [Anthony Hinton]

(Presentation) If you have been rewriting your first page for the tenth time and still go back to fiddle with a single sentence, this presentation is for you! The scope of a story’s beginning goes far beyond the First Page! Anthony Hinton will talk about the importance of hooking the reader not just with a punchy first line but with well-crafted early chapters. So, stop obsessing over the First Page – and learn to write a Brilliant Beginning instead.

Industry Insights track: Ubiquitous Social Media - On the (Un)Importance of Followers, Websites and Online Presence for Aspiring and Established Creatives [Non Pratt]

(Presentation) Ye Olde Internet's convenience come with a price: maintaining an online presence. Have a website! Collect followeres! Be visible, engaged with your audience, and uniquely distinguishable from all the other creatives out there, or the publishers won't even consider your next pitch. Won't they? Non Pratt talks about the perceived do's and don't's of Social Media presence.

Mixed-Up Lunch - 12:40pm - 2:15pm

Make new connections over lunch!

Find the raffle drum at the entrance to the venue's cafeteria and draw the number of your table. And it's as easy as that, to make new connection, get to talk to new people and hopefully, find many new friends.

Participation in the Mixed-up Lunch is voluntary. If you prefer to sit in peace and quiet, there will be a table to do just that.

Panel Discussion - 2:15pm - 3:15pm

From Idea to Publication - a Look Behind the Scenes of the Industry

(Panel discussion) Join us for a panel discussion focusing on the decision making processes, the sometimes small, sometimes big decision, and the nitty-gritty that goes into a project from start to finish. From ideation to pitching, from execution to acquision, from marketing to translation and foreign rights - we ask industry professionals about their experiences, challenges and successes.

On the panel: Anthony Hinton (Editor, David Fickling Books), Jutta Bauer (Illustrator and author), Non Pratt (Editor, Walker Books), Melinda Salisbury (Author), and Alisha Niehaus Berger (Art Director & Editor, Nord/Süd)

Afternoon break - 3:15pm - 3:45pm

Time for a break before heading o the next stop on the agenda: the always well-received socials! Grab another coffee or tea, enjoy some fruit and sweet or savory snacks - then find the table with your crowd.

Socials and Faculty Feedback - 3:45pm - 5:20pm

Socials in the Main Conference Room

Meet your fellow creatives and start making those invaluable connections that has the creative community thriving! Various signs will point you to different groups. Look for the Middle-Grade writers, the Translators, the Illustrator folks. Try and find others from your SCBWI region. We are expecting attendees from France, Spain, Switzerland, Benelux and many more.

Faculty Feedback - Portfolios, Picture Book dummies, Picture Book manuscripts,

Faculty Feedbacks are optional. Please note that there will be limited availability, so book early. (Prices-SCBWI members - €65, Price-Non-members - €85) Faculty offering feedback on Saturday in the these categories: Jutta Bauer and Alisha Niehaus Berger. K. Donner offers Self-pub consultations for PB.

Faculty Feedback - Middle Grade & Young Adult

Faculty Feedback is an option at an additional cost. (Prices: SCBWI members - €65, Non-members - €85) Please note that there will be limited availability, so please book early. Faculty offering feedback on Saturday afternoon in the categories mentioned above are: Anthony Hinton, Melinda Salisbury, Candy Gourlay, and Non Pratt.

Sunday, October 27

The second day of the conference weekend has two breakout choices for you - and after that, it's time to announce some winners!

Breakout 3 - 8:30am - 10:00am

Illustrator & PB track: Non-fiction Books for Kids - A Thriving Market [Anita Lehmann]

(Workshop) Would you ever consider writing nonfiction for children? By the end of this session, you will! We'll look at the children's non-fiction market in general, examine some recent releases, and then explore our own ideas alone and in small groups. By the end of this session, you'll have explored a list of new ideas and developed a concept / hook for at least one of them.

MG & YA track: Connections (Part 2) [Melinda Salisbury]

(Workshop) The second part of Melinda's intensive about finding new and fresh associations in an old draft and the benefits of a rewrite. Please do not choose this session unless you will be participating in Part 1 on Saturday.

Industry Insights track: Graphic Novels - What's the Hype All About? [Anthony Hinton]

(Presentation) Graphic Novels have recently taken the children's book market by storm. But what are the reasons for the sudden popularity? Is it even a sudden change? Learn about the latest developments in the children's Graphic Novel market, the trends of the recent years, and what might become relevant in the future.

Morning break - 10:00am - 10:30am

Enjoy a hot drink or a beverage from the fridge and have a snack before heading to your next session.

Breakout 4 - 10:30am - 12:00pm

Illustrator & PB track: The Concept of Simplicity [Jutta Bauer]

(Workshop) Simplicity is a feature, not a bug! In this workshop, you'll learn from the best to make simple but strong images. Work on your own fanfold with Jutta and find out, how a little is sometimes more.

MG & YA track: The Hero's Emotional Journey - How to Use the Well-known Hero's Journey Story Structure as a Framework for Emotional Impact on Your Readers [Candy Gourlay]

The Hero's Journey is perhaps one of the most well-known story structure frameworks. In this presentation, Candy Gourlay will take you on a deep dive into the aspect of the emotional part of the Hero's journey, show you how to use the structural guideline of it to build rapport with your reader, craft a bond between them and your character(s), and engage the audience in a profound and meaningful way.

Industry Insights track: Submissions Put to Test — Tips & Tricks to Impress Industry Professionals with a Well-Polished Proposal [Dr. Paula Peretti]

There's only one chance for the first impression, so don't throw away your shot! Paula Peretti's presentation will focus on the dos and don'ts of putting together a submission package, no matter if it's a portfolio or the first chapter of a YA novel. This presentation is for everyone who is actively seeking representation for their work - or just about to start.

Closing and Winners - 12:10pm - 1:00pm

Closing Remarks and Announcement of Portfolio Showcase & Sliding Door Pitch Winners!

Official End of Conference: Time to announce and applaud the Portfolio and Pitch winners, as well as thanking participants, faculty, and volunteers for making their way to Cologne.

Sunday Lunch at the Venue (Additional €9.50)

Attendees who have a Faculty Feedback session booked on Sunday afternoon - or those who want to participate in the Peer Review Activity, may choose to have lunch at the venue again. This is additional, not mandatory. Attendees can lunch outside the venue, however ordering in is not allowed.

Peer Critiques and Faculty Feedback - 2:30pm - 4:05pm

Peer Critiques

Peer Critiques offer valuable insights into writing styles, outsider perspectives, and self-improvement. Attendees have the opportunity to participate and receive beneficial feedback on their creations. Here's a chance to refine your work, and it’s included in your ticket!

Faculty Feedback - Portfolios, Picture Book Dummies, Picture Book Manuscripts

Faculty Feedback is an option with limited availability, so please book early. (SCBWI member price - €65, Non-member price - €85) Faculty offering feedback on Sunday afternoon: Jutta Bauer, Alisha Niehaus Berger, and Anita Lehmann (including Non-fiction Picture Books)

Faculty Feedback - Middle Grade and Young Adult

Faculty Feedback is an option with limited availability, so please book early.(SCBWI member price - €65, Non-member price - €85) Faculty offering feedback on Sunday afternoon: Melinda Salisbury (MG), Diana Steinbrede, and Julia Smith (Paula Peretti Agency) L. Decher offers Self-Pub consultation for (MG) novels.