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8 & Under 2024

Nov 02, 2024

Online event

8 & Under is back! This half-day, virtual event is designed especially for writers and writer-illustrators who create for children ages 8 & Under. If you create board books, picture books, early readers, or chapter books, this is the event for you! The "full" 8 & Under event will include two faculty-led webinars plus a mini mentorship with a published author (one of Eastern PA’s PALs), complete with a written critique and an extended one-on-one virtual session. Agent/editor post-event critiques will be available for an additional fee. We are also offering the option to purchase "webinars-only" tickets, for those who are unable or do not wish to take part in the PAL mini-mentorship portion of the program. A limited number of agent/editor (post-event) critiques will be available to those who purchase a webinars-only ticket. Spaces are limited! See below for details and important dates.

Host Region: Eastern Pennsylvania

Contact: Heather Stigall scbwiepacgc@gmail.com


8 & Under "Full" ticket (webinars + PAL mini mentorship):

  • Premium Members: $150 USD
  • Preview Plan: $180 USD
  • NOTE: Because of the nature of the program, those who register for the “full” program must commit to attending LIVE (virtually) on November 2nd

Webinars-Only ticket:

  • Premium Members: $25
  • Preview Plan: $40


  • Post-Event Critique: $60 (premium members)
  • Post-Event Critique: $65 (preview plan)

The Scholarship application window IS NOW CLOSED. Recipient will be notified on or before August 16, 2024.

Click HERE for information about the scholarship and how to applyhttps://www.scbwi.org/events/8-under-2024/scholarship-announcement-for-8-under-2024


Registration Opens: August 28, 2024

Registration for "Full" event Closes: October 12, 2024

Registration for Webinars-only Closes: October 31, 2024

Cancelation policy: A $50 programming cancellation fee will be applied from Eastern PA SCBWI for 8 & Under “full” cancellations after October 3, 2024

Webinar 1 - Grab Them from the Get-Go: Mastering Openings and Endings for Young Readers

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With Barefoot Books Senior Editor, Lisa Rosinsky, and Children’s Book Author, Nazneen Akbari

Forget boring beginnings and predictable endings! Discover how to create openings that hook young readers like a pirate's treasure map and endings that leave them eager for their next book adventure. This webinar will equip you with the tools to ensure every story begins with excitement and concludes with lasting impact. We’ll dive into: Hooking Lines: How to write first sentences that make kids yell, "Read me more!" Introducing the Gang: Meet the coolest characters and coolest worlds – fast! Raising the Stakes: Get hearts pounding from page one. Sticking the Landing: Crafting satisfying endings that leave readers with a happy sigh (or maybe a cheer!). Tying Up Loose Ends: No dangling plot threads here! We'll show you how to wrap things up neatly. Leaving a Lasting Mark: Make your story one they'll never forget!

Webinar 2 - Books for the Eyes, Ears, and Hands

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With Storm Literary Agent Vicki Selvaggio

When crafting for the 8 & Under group, books need to pack a lot of oomph to get noticed by agents and editors. Creators must also consider their audience and how readers will experience this journey with their eyes, ears, and hands:  Does this book have an edge in a visually appealing way?  Does this book move readers in a musical way?  Does this book offer a gratifying journey with areas of emotional elements? With the intermix of some classic books to recent publications, this presentation will share the factors I consider when receiving submissions to beyond––offering representation and preparing a manuscript for a selective list of editors. Editing tips, the “Why”, and a Q&A (as time allows) are also included.

PAL One-on-One Mentors

PAL Mentorship Information

Prior to the live event, you will submit a manuscript that will be critiqued by an Eastern Pennsylvania-area “Published and Listed” author. You will receive the written feedback ahead of the live event, and then, at the conclusion of both webinar presentations, will meet with your PAL for a 45-minute virtual one-on-one session

NOTE: You will not be choosing your PAL. You will be matched, to the best of our ability, with PAL that we feel is best suited to critique your work.

Click HERE for more information : https://www.scbwi.org/events/8-under-2024/8-under-pal-mentorship

Critique Faculty

Critique Information

As an option, you can purchase a written critique from a publishing industry professional on a sample of your work that you will submit AFTER THE CONCLUSION of the live 8 & Under event.

Click HERE for more information: https://www.scbwi.org/events/8-under-2024/8-under-faculty-critiques