Connecting the Dots to Create Meaningful Color Palettes in PB

Sep 28, 2024

Online event

Virtual Pre-Conference - Europolitan 2024 - Illustrator WORKSHOP Connecting the Dots to Create Meaningful Color Palettes in Picture Books by Devon Holzwarth. Pre-register for this session for free here on the website and receive an email with payment details within 48hours!

Price: €24 / €16 for Premium Members

In this illustration-focused workshop, participants will consider various picture book texts to create a library of color palette options to use in picture book projects, as well as learn to pinpoint where color can be used to elevate stories. Participants will complete an illustration exercise (please have color pencils or paint and paper with you - digital tools are also fine). Devon will share examples of her own color practice in picture books, and demonstrate some of her techniques. There will be a Q&A period following the workshop.

A recording of this session will be available for 30 days after the session.

ATTENTION: The registration for a session will take place in a 2-Step email process. 1) Pre-register for a session for free here on the site. 2) Receive an email with payment instructions. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive a 2nd email with the final confirmation.

PLEASE make sure to add to your contacts.

Book MORE SESSIONS for a discount HERE, and get a chance to win a 1year free SCBWI membership when booking three or more sessions with the Virtual Europolitan Pre-Conference.

Your Host


Devon Holzwarth

Devon Holzwarth was born in Washington D.C. and grew up in Panamá with the jungle as her backyard and her dad’s art supplies close at hand. Devon studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, with a focus on screen printing and large format painting. Following RISD, Devon founded a small business painting murals and creating fine art alongside interior designers for a number of years in the San Francisco Bay Area. After having two kids and moving to Germany, Devon began illustrating and writing picture books. Her debut book, Found You, with Alison Green Books, was shortlisted for the Waterstone’s Children’s Book Prize. Devon is a recipient of the 2023 Schneider Family Book Award for Listen, a picture book about percussionist Evelyn Glennie, as well as a Society of Illustrators gold medal winner for her author/illustrated book Sophie’s Stories. Devon and her family currently live in Aachen, Germany, along with their dogs, Raven and Rosie. Visit and @devonholzwarth on Instagram for more of Devon’s work.

Devon also offers Faculty Feedback Sessions - a great opportunity to get valuable advice and insight from an industry professional that can take your work to the next level! Find out more HERE.