
Metro Detroit Shop Talk

Nov 02, 2024

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The Art of Performace Storytelling with Patti Richards

Saturday, November 2nd from 10:30-11:30 AM ⭐Coreander's Children's Bookshoppe - meet in the theater⭐Bring one piece of your own writing and one favorite rhyming or non-rhyming poem.⭐RSVP to Katy (katy.klimczuk@gmail.com) by October 29th

One of our goals as writers for children is to share our stories at school visits, library storytimes, bookstores, and virtual presentations. But making written words come to life off the page in entertaining, meaningful, and memorable ways can be daunting. In the Art of Performance Storytelling, Patti helps writers interpret their written words in ways that leave children (and their caregivers) spellbound and wanting more. Patti blends her theatrical, educational, and writing experience to help writers become performers!  

Please bring: one piece of your own writing and one favorite rhyming or non-rhyming poem 

Please RSVP to Katy (katy.klimczuk@gmail.com) by October 29th.

Patti's Bio:

Writer, teacher, storyteller, Patti Richards has spent more than 35 years writing stories and telling tales. Her picture book, IDA PLUCK’S CLUCK recently won eighth place in the annual Writer’s Digest Awards. Her first published picture book, MRS. NOAH (Little Lamb Books, October 2021) was a Selah Award Finalist, a Northern Dawn Book Award Winner for Best First Picture Book, a Purple Dragonfly Honorable Mention Winner, and a Royal Dragonfly Honorable Mention Winner. Her children’s work also includes four nonfiction books, a fiction piece in Highlights Magazine, and poems in High Five and Ladybug. She is a freelance editor and offers professional manuscript critiques. Patti is a retired English/Language Arts and Theater teacher and lives in Farmington Hills, Michigan with her husband, Gene. They have three adult children, two bonus adult children, two amazing grandbabies, and a cattle dog named Baxter.  

Website: www.pattigail1.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pgwrites5

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/pattigrichards/

X: @pattigrichards

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15888762.Patti_Richards