Hero Pocono Believe 2025--All Aboard! (4).png

Pocono Believe 2025: Peer-to-Peer Portfolio Review

What is it?

This is a FREE peer-to-peer critique session where you will receive feedback on your portfolio and offer others feedback on theirs.

How to participate:

Free with registration–After you submit your illustrations, you will receive an email from Berrie with further instructions.


  • Send your illustrations to Berrie, epa-ic@scbwi.org, by midnight Friday, 4/11/25.
  • Please put “Peer Portfolio submission_Pocono 2025” in the subject line of your email.

What to send:

  • Six illustrations OR one dummy .jpg or .png file (5 MB max) portfolio-ready illustrations

What to name your files:

⇒Please SAVE YOUR FILES as follows: last name_peer critique_1-6

For example, for Berrie Torgan-Randall's first file, she would label it: Torgan-Randall_peer critique_1