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Have you updated your SCBWI profile? Click the round, blue owl icon in the top right-hand corner. Then, click the green Edit Profile bar. Upload a profile picture and a a cover image. Your cover image can be a personal illustration, a book cover, or a photo of a place that inspires you.
Click the blue owl icon in the top right. Then, click Member Home (green) above the My Profile heading. Click My Work in the menu bar at the top. Then, click the green SHARE MY WORK bar. A pop-up box will ask if you want to share a book or an illustration to your profile page. Make your choice and follow the steps.
Add your social media accounts right to your SCBWI profile page. Click the blue owl icon in the top right. Then, click the Edit Profile Bar. Scroll down to Edit Your Social Accounts. Copy and paste links to your Instagram, Twitter, & TikTok profiles. Sit back and watch your followers grow.