Thank you to Elaine Ridge

Created August 13, 2024 by Elizabeth Sparg

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South Africa

Last month, Elaine Ridge stepped down as Regional Advisor for South Africa after a whopping 16 years of service on the Regional Team. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us so generously, Elaine. Those are going to be some big shoes to fill!

Elaine is not leaving SCBWI entirely (phew), and will still be actively involved in our writers’ critique group. However, we didn’t want her to slope off too quietly, so we nabbed her for a quick interview to hear about her experience of volunteering for us.


  1. How did you first hear about SCBWI?


I taught the children’s literature courses at Stellenbosch University. When Marjorie van Heerden lived in Stellenbosch, she graciously allowed me to take my final year students to her home once a year. As you can imagine, it was a highlight in their year. Not only was it a chance to see her wonderful collection of children’s literature, but also an opportunity to discover how important illustrations are in picture books. I first heard about SCBWI when she decided to establish a branch in South Africa in 2003.It was not long before she roped me in as a volunteer!

2. How long have you been on the SA RT?


16 years.

3. What have you learnt through your time on the RT?


I have discovered how important it is for children’s book writers, illustrators and translators to have a supportive community and also an opportunity to grow as professionals. SCBWI is remarkable in offering a warm and supportive community, not just locally but internationally. More than that, it creates opportunities for writers, illustrators and translators to hone their craft. I have been constantly aware of how generous children’s lit people are. South Africa is a good example. People like Marjorie van Heerden, Paddy Bouma and Joan Rankin have set the tone. They have shared their expertise freely and been incredibly encouraging. This kind of generosity is evident at every level. I can’t think of a single South African member who has not been willing to share and to rejoice in the success of others. It has been a very rich time for me.

4. What are some of the highlights of your term?


This is a difficult question. I am going to choose three, the first is the visit of Stephen Mooser co-founder and then the President of SCBWI and his partner Sally Crock in 2011. We were thrilled to have someone of his stature gracing our Spring Event (Conference). His presentation on writing a series was very helpful and the RT benefited enormously from his helpful advice on running events. The second was the visit of Alvina Ling, Vice President of Little, Brown and Company. The whole thing was set up through the generosity of a fellow RA whom I met in the Caribbean at an RA retreat (that should count as one too). She had heard that Alvina was planning to come to SA to run the Two Oceans Marathon. Alvina was a delight. She did two presentations – both top notch – with many books to illustrate the points she made and continued taking questions over lunch. She also allowed us to send submissions to her. The third highlight was the Illustrators’ Retreat Korky Paul led. He is a thorough professional and a very warm, affirmative person. His presentations were excellent. His thoroughly-prepared sessions were packed with useful tips on illustration and design strategies and all of the participants were given individual attention.


5. Do you have a favourite memory from your time serving on the RT?


This is an impossible question to answer. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed it all. But perhaps I should mention my 80th birthday party. There was such warmth. I loved the poems members wrote and the carefully chosen gifts. Incredibly moving.

6. What are your plans for the future? Will you still be involved in SCBWI?


I will definitely be involved in SCBWI. I hope to continue my work as an editor – it has been such a privilege to have a part in members’ books and I hope to get back to my own writing. I really enjoy the writers’ group and will continue in it. It is great that there are so many people who can lead meetings.

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Elaine and SCBWI members at the first Alan Durant Retreat

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Elaine preparing books for the Red Cross Children's Home

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SCBWI members visiting a printing firm

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Paddy Bouma's Garden