Alaska Regional events

Serious about improving your craft? SCBWI's regional events provide opportunities for professional growth and help you connect with a supportive, creative community.

Alaska Fall Conference Juried Art Show & Portfolio Showcase

Oct 04, 2024 - Oct 05, 2024

1 event

Available seats 45

University of Alaska, Anchorage

Laurent Linn, Art Director at Simon & Schuster will be judging Best in Show. The Best in Show winner and the People’s Choice Award winner (where all conference attendees get a chance to vote as well) receive recognition at the conference and a Visa gift card to buy art supplies wherever you would like ($50 for Best in Show; $25 for People’s Choice)! PLEASE NOTE: This does not grant you access to the Fall Conference. This only gains you entry to the Showcase. To register for the Conference, please go to to register for the Conference. You do NOT need to be registered for the Conference in order to participate in the Showcase.