Eastern PA SCBWI

Our Volunteer Team


Co-Regional Advisor Rona Shirdan

Co-Regional Advisor and Equity and Inclusion Team Member Rona Shirdan has always loved children’s books but after attending her first SCBWI conference, she knew what she wanted to be when she “grew up.” She can usually be found going through a pile of picture books ranging from poetry and fiction to STEM. She has a special fondness for new writers and hopes to encourage and support them while in her role as Co-RA. Rona is a freelance writer, proofreader/copy editor, and sensitivity reader. She works with The Highlights Foundation as their Customer Experience Coordinator and Ambassador. She is also an active supporter of diversity in children’s literature—especially picture books!


Co-Regional Advisor Laura Parnum

Co-Regional Advisor and Equity and Inclusion Team Member Laura Parnum writes quirky and humorous middle grade novels and is a freelance fiction copyeditor. She is an SCBWI critique group leader, volunteers as an elementary school library assistant, and has provided reading and writing support for students in Philadelphia. Her first novel, Peril at Price Manor (HarperCollins 2023), received the Pennsylvania Library Association's 2024 Carolyn W. Field Award for best book for young people by a Pennsylvania author or illustrator. Her second novel, The Haunting of Bellington Cottage, is due to release in July 2025.


Illustrator Coordinator Berrie Torgan-Randall

Illustrator Coordinator Berrie Torgan-Randall has been passionate about children’s literature since she was a little girl, and has fed her desire by becoming a children’s librarian and by pursuing a career as an illustrator and writer of children’s books. She is looking forward to making connections with professionals while organizing events for illustrators who are on a similar journey of creating beautiful and meaningful picture books.


Assistant Regional Advisor Kristen Strocchia

Assistant Regional Advisor, Kristen C. Strocchia Webinar Coordinator Kristen began writing poetry in the second grade. This often meant that when her five siblings were playing together, she would disappear for hours down to the creek or up into her favorite apple tree to write. But her love of words led to a love of world languages that led to teaching French, Spanish and ELD (formerly ESL). SCBWI found her cultivating this love for words in children of all ages and dreaming of continuing the writing journey began at age seven. Her lyrical nonfiction PB manuscript LOST & FOUND received honorable mention for the 2024 Writer's Digest-Ann Whitford Paul award. Now she’s working to publish this PB and others as well as some upper MG and young YA novels each with a speculative element. When not writing and revising, she can be followed on road trips around the country with her husband and seven children, trying to reach the ever-elusive states of Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Hawaii.


PAL Coordinator Lindsay Bandy

PAL Coordinator and Peer Mentorship Co-Coordinator Lindsay Bandy’s favorite thing about SCBWI is the warmth and friendship she’s found here in Eastern PA. SCBWI has taken her from total newbie to agented and published author, supporting her with industry knowledge and awesome friends who give expert advice, hugs, critiques, encouragement, and wine as needed. Her YA Fiction is represented by agent Cate Hart at the Harvey Clinger Literary Agency, and she has several poems forthcoming with Highlights Hello.


Critique Coordinator Heather Stigall

Critique Coordinator and Meet & Greet Coordinator Heather Stigall is a picture book-obsessed wife and mother of five (six, if you count the dog). She was born and raised a Jersey girl but has called eastern Pennsylvania her home for most of her adulthood. When she’s not writing, critiquing, or reading picture books, you can find her working out, sewing, baking, or involved in children’s shenanigans and probably dreaming up stories while doing all of those things.


Good News and Social Media Coordinator Joanne Roberts

Good News & Social Media Coordinator Joanne Roberts spent many afternoons sitting beside her parents’ bookcase, reading until her legs fell asleep. Everything she owned was covered in drawings of superheroes, princesses, and cartoon characters. While her career path took several non-literary turns, she always had one foot in children’s publishing. Now a published writer, she is currently pursuing the coveted title of author/illustrator. As Good News and Social Media Coordinator, her hope is to encourage every member on their journey, celebrate the big and the small steps, and partner with libraries and indie bookstores to pay it forward in the Eastern PA region and across the world.


Blogmaster Kristen Rashid

EasternPennPoints Blogmaster Kristen Rashid is a board certified art therapist, licensed professional counselor, and Asian-American picture book writer from Philadelphia, PA. She has been leading two critique groups for PB creators for many years, and is the recipient of a 2023 12×12 Challenge scholarship. Kristen’s writing often has SEL components with a STEAM focus, and features kids of color engaging in their everyday lives. She draws story inspiration from her child art therapy work, and from her two daughters with whom she regularly enjoys bedtime read alouds, car ride audio books, family critique group meetings, and library visits.


Equity and Inclusion Team Member Alison Green Myers

Equity and Inclusion Team Member and Peer Mentorship Co-Coordinator Alison Green Myers is an avid reader, poet, and writer. She has served as a classroom teacher, literacy coach, curriculum writer, and school director. She is the Program Director for the Highlights Foundation, a National Writing Fellow, and an active member of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators. A Bird Will Soar is her first book for middle grade readers and is the recipient of the 2022 Schneider Family Book Award.


Equity and Inclusion Team Member Joy Ogbonnaya

Equity and Inclusion Team Member Joy Ogbonnaya: Growing up, Joy’s dad almost always had a book in hand he was reading from or writing in. Joy became intrigued by books and began pulling books out of her dad’s book shelves to read. Her love for reading naturally sparked a love for writing. Joy has published nonfiction Christian books for young people, and articles focused on social justice and education. Joy is an educator, originally from Nigeria is currently writing multicultural children’s books that celebrates people and cultures in the world and centers the voices and experiences of immigrant children in the US. Joy continues to be in awe of the work that SCBWI does but particularly holds dear the opportunity to be a part of the Equity and Inclusion team of Eastern PA SCBWI, working alongside amazing team members who are advocating for and lifting the work of marginalized creators.


Equity and Inclusion Team Member Jenny Krumrine

Equity and Inclusion Team Member Jenny Krumrine: Before Jenny became a children’s author, she was a scientist. When her children were born, she chose her new career. She writes about things that have always been important to her: science, nature and what it means to live an inspired, kind, happy life. She’s interested in encouraging and teaching children to become good stewards of our planet. What could happen if we don’t take care of planet Earth? Check out her story in Cricket Muse, March 2020: “Trial in Absentia.”


Equity and Inclusion Team Member Cherise Shane

Equity and Inclusion Team Member, Cherise Shane Cherise is a Philadelphia native, lifelong learner, love scholar, language lover, and woman of the word. She loves music, alliteration, and all things artistic, so she incorporates the arts to build inspiration, innovation, and interchange in almost everything she does. Cherise is passionate about using her spoken as well as written voice to empower people with tools of effective communication and purposeful living, loving, learning, and laughing. She loves to use journal writing, especially, and has been an avid writer since elementary school. She is the proud super wifey queen mommy Ph.D.-to-be (SWQMPhD2b) of Dr. D.M. Shane (SHKDPhD) and four beloved girls also known as the A-team (SBPDPhD2b) (Hello! Our acronyms are like super-human versions of SCBWI—lol). Cherise along with her family are aspiring actors, authors, artists, articulators, architects, and agents of change, learning to embrace their gifts unapologetically and with grace.