Peer Critique Open Mic Night

Peer Critique “Open Mic” Nights Are Back!

WHAT: Join Eastern PA SCBWI's Critique Group Coordinator, Heather Stigall, and other Eastern PA members to give/receive LIVE critiques on your manuscript

WHERE: Zoom (link will be provided when you RSVP)

WHO: Eastern PA SCBWI members who want to experience a live “Open Mic”-style peer critique group


RSVP: Heather Stigall, by 11:49 PM the night before the Open Mic Night you want to attend

WHEN: the next Open Mic date is Thursday, October 24, 6:45 - 9:00 PM EST

DETAILS: Please read below for an explanation of how this event will work so we don’t have to spend too much time the night of the event explaining details.

*On the night of the event, after brief introductions, the moderator will share her screen to reveal a submission. 

*The author/illustrator of the submission will read their pages aloud (or you can ask someone else to read your pages). NEW: Instead of pages of your work, you may submit a query letter and/or synopsis for critique

*The moderator will allow 10-12 minutes for other attendees to offer constructivecriticism** on the work. 

*If time allows, the author can ask follow-up questions. 

*This will continue for no more than 7 submissions. 

* If time allows, we will conclude with some general Q&A about critiquing or critique groups.

*Other notes: 

*Only 7 attendees will have their work critiqued, 

but there will be no limit to attendees who wish to critique and observe 

*You must RSVP to Heather at

by midnight the day before the event in order to attend.

* The event will NOT be recorded 

*The first 7 people who RSVP and want to submit work 

will have their pages critiqued by peers who attend the meeting 

(Notes: you do not have to submit; if you are one of the first 7, 

Heather will give you the option when you RSVP;

When possible, Heather will give priority to authors/illustrators 

who have not had the opportunity to share at a prior event).

 *If you are one of the first 7 to respond 

and wish to have your work critiqued, 

you will receive instructions on when and how to send your submission

*You may submit in any children’s genre (board book/BB, picture book/PB, graphic novel/GN, chapter book/CB, middle grade/MG, young adult/YA) and may submit a text-only manuscript OR dummy. 

All experience levels welcome! 

**Please remember to provide your peers with constructive criticism which can be defined as a “helpful, well-reasoned opinions and actionable suggestions, including both positive and negative comments, in a friendly way.” 

For more on how to GIVE and RECEIVE critiques, please read the document entitled “Critiquing Guidelines for Writers” that can be found on our Critique Group Resources page here: