Masthead Design Brief: Welcome to Wonderland
We invite SCBWI-IL members to create a masthead for SCBWI’s Spring Thaw event. Your illustration will help set the tone for this occasion!
Objective: Design an illustration that incorporates the theme "Welcome to Wonderland." You can experiment with creative lettering within your artwork or leave space for us to add the text later.
Think of the theme of "Alice in Wonderland" for inspiration; let your imagination run wild! Reflect on the mood, tone, color palette, and story you want to convey in your design.
The chosen masthead will be used in all promotions for Spring Thaw 2025, including various social media platforms. The illustrator of the winning design will receive credit wherever the masthead appears.
PRIZE: The winning illustrator will receive one in-person or online attendance at the 2025 Spring Thaw, which includes two online conversations (one live and one recorded), a pitch session, and post-event submission opportunities.
Entry must be uploaded to our DROPBOX by 11:59 pm on February 16, 2025.
All entries will be showcased in a newsletter gallery and will be voted on by fellow SCBWI Illinois members. Voting will occur from February 18 to February 21, 2025. The winner will be announced on February 24, 2025.
QUESTIONS? Email Denise Holmes, IC