SCBWI-MI shop talks are FREE meetings for members, organized and hosted by our volunteer shop talk coordinators. Not-Yet members are welcome to attend as a precursor to joining the SCBWI-MI community. Typically held virtually or in-person, these meetings are a great place to connect with your fellow creators, learn more about your craft, or practice your presentation skills.
**PS. Need to perfect a new presentation? Have a topic to share? Shop Talks are the perfect opportunity. Reach out to your Shop Talk coordinator to discuss or complete this Presentation Form to be considered for a shop talk presentation.***
Keep your eye on the Events Page for a shop talk near YOU! There will either be an address for the in-person meeting or a link to a virtual meeting. You’re welcome to go to all!
***You do not have to register for a shop talk***
If you have a question about SCBWI-MI's shop talks or you are interested in starting a shoptalk in your area, please contact our shoptalk liaison, David Stricklen at stricken(at)
Ann Arbor Shop Talks are coordinated by Betsy McKee Williams. If you have any questions or topics to share, email Betsy- betsywil(at)
Grand Rapids Shop Talks are co-coordinated by Susan Collins Thoms & Kristin Wolden Nitz. If you have any questions or topics to share, email Susan- thomssue(at) or Kristin- kristinwoldennitz1(at)
K.A.S.T. Shop Talks are co-coordinated by Isabel O'Hagin & Karen Finch. If you have any questions or topics to share, email Isabel- ohaginib(at) or Karen- kefinch6(at)
L.A.S.T. Shop Talks are co-coordinated by Kathleen & Heather Clark. If you have any questions or topics to share, email Kathleen- kclarkholly(at) or Heather- thethistlegirlwrites(at)
Metro Detroit Shop Talks are co-coordinated by Katy Klimczuk & Pria Dee. If you have any questions or topics to share, email Katy- katy.klimczuk(at) or Pria- pdvennapusa(at)
Up North Shop Talks are co-coordinated by Heather Shumaker & Rachel Anderson. If you have any questions or topics to share, email Heather- heather(at) or Rachel- writingal(at)