Teacher and Librarian Resources

SCBWI-MI’s School Presenter List.jpg

School Presenter List

Bringing an author or illustrator to your school made easier:

How to Plan A School Visit

Celebrating Equity & Inclusion in Literature

To view a list of Michigan authors and illustrators with books that offer mirrors, windows, and doors, click HERE.

National, State, and Corporate Grant Opportunities

Funding Ideas

  • Pre-order books directly from a bookseller, or publisher asking that a portion of the sales be directed towards the speaker’s fee. 
  • Contact SCBWI or other writing organizations to find local speakers and forego or limit travel expense.
  • Piggyback onto a local writing conference, engaging their speaker to stay over or come early. 
  • Hold a “Penny Drive.” The room that contributes the most wins lunch with the speaker. 
  • Partner with other local schools so that the speaker’s travel and/or lodging costs can be split. 
  • Treat the day like a field trip and ask each child to contribute a nominal amount.
  • Use Title I or ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) funds if your district allows. https://oese.ed.gov/files/2021/10/Michigan-ARP-ESSER-State-Plan-Final.pdf