SCBWI Mid-Atlantic

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Beltways and Bridges

Fall workshops are classroom sized sessions that allow for a deep-dive into an element of craft. Besides instruction, these workshops can also include time for activities such as: drawing and writing exercises, group work, sharing, feedback, and discussion. Lunch is included to allow extra time to mingle with faculty, meet creators with similar interests, and catch up with old friends.

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Are you following our region?

We have some great events and activities coming up! Are you following our region? Let's stay in touch!

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Read the Summer Highlighter Journal

Remember summer reading as a kid? The Summer 2024 Highlighter issue on "The Reading Experience" reminds us of how children interact with books. Teachers and librarians have shared their perspectives on how to make books more engaging for kids and best suited for story time.


Mid-Atlantic Virtual Illustrator Social

Join fellow Mid-Atlantic Illustrators for a free, bi-monthly, virtual illustrator social where we chat about all things kidlit illustration! See event post for upcoming dates.


Crafting Emotional Arcs in Nonfiction Picture Books

Discover the art of weaving powerful emotions into your nonfiction picture books!


Creating a Budget and Author Business Plan

Join our Indie and Self-Publishing Coordinator, Joyana Peters, to learn about creating a budget and Author Business Plan to help you feel confident and in control of your Author Business!

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How to Master Multiple POVs

Learn how to master multiple POVs from professional editor Sophia Jimenez.


WHERE'S THE BEEF? A query critique workshop for creators who undershare

In this webinar, agent Jes Trudel will help authors and illustrators improve their queries by "beefing up" their pitches using practical tips for drawing out the plot and character details agents need to chew on to make a decision.


Regional Events


Member Good News

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Our team

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Highlighter Journal


Equity & Inclusion


Beltways and Bridges: A Kid Lit Road Trip

Membership benefits

Jump into a quick overview of the benefits that SCBWI members can enjoy.

Becoming a translator

Translation: Some Frequently Asked Questions, by Avery Udagawa

Keep in touch

To inquire about local events, awards, or opportunities, please email

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