SCBWI Midsouth Meetups

Midsouth meetups are a great way to form community in our region. Most are free and open to members and nonmembers alike.

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Are you a Midsouth Meetup Director who needs to add your local event to the calendar? If so, CLICK HERE!



16 – Lexington Area Meet-Up - Lite!

A very low-key social gathering of kidlit folks in the Bluegrass. Y'all come and enjoy a cup of your favorite warm beverage as we inspire each other with tales and thwart those pesky trials.

Time: 2 PM EST

Location: Chocolate Holler

400 Old Vine St Suite 104, Lexington, KY 40507

Cost: FREE - but be kind a buy a drink while we're there!

Contact person: Nell Campbell

To RSVP or ask questions:

24 – Louisville Online Meetup

Join us for an informal discussion on craft and industry, followed by short group critiques.

Time: 11:45 am EST

Location: Online on Google Meets

Cost: FREE

Contact person: Amy Beaman

To RSVP or ask questions:

27 – Chattanooga Social

Join us for creative camaraderie!

Time: 6 pm EST

Location: Rembrandt’s

204 High St, Chattanooga, TN 37403

Cost: FREE (drinks and treats available for purchase)

Contact person: Hope Bissell

To RSVP or ask questions:

Midsouth Regional Meetup Directors

Bowling_Green - M Hendrix.png

M Hendrix

Chattanooga - Hope Bissell.png

Hope Bissell

Knoxville - Danielle Y. C. McClean.png

Danielle Y. C. McClean

Lexington - Nell Campbell.png

Nell Campbell

Lexington - Kiri von Haaren.png

Kiri van Haaren

Louisville - Amy Beaman.png

Amy Beaman

Louisville - Shannon Stocker.png

Shannon Stocker

Memphis - Amy Murrell.png

Amy Murrell

Nashville - Camille Brea.png

Camille Brea

Student - Chloe Tubb.png

Chloe Tubb

Northeast Tennessee – Gretchen Sherrill.png

Gretchen Sherrill

Western Kentucky and Remote - Heather Mahlinger.png

Heather Mahlinger

Remote - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez.png

Jennifer Lynn Alvarez