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Writers - Face to Face

Ashland—OPEN The Ashland critique group focuses on young adult and middle grade writing. They meet once a month in Ashland.

Contact: Christie at throwthemintothesea@gmail.com

Clackamas Town Center—FULL This group of six critiques all genres of children’s literature and meets every Thursday afternoon. Meeting place varies.

Contact: Judi at gardinerjudi@hotmail.com

Corvallis—OPEN and actively seeking serious writers with the goal of helping each other polish manuscripts for representation/publishing. In person meetings, time and frequency to be determined by members (but at least once per month to keep writers moving on their stories). Focus on Middle Grade/Young adult.

Contact: Erin at fassioerin@gmail.com

Corvallis—FULL and closed to all new requests at this time. ***The Corvallis Writers Group focuses on children’s writing and illustration, but not exclusively. We meet once a month on the second Thursday of each month at 7 pm, and take turns hosting at our homes.

Contact: Ellen Beier at ellen@ellenbeier.com

Eugene—OPEN and actively seeking new members! Eugene MG & YA Writers is based in Eugene and meets both online and in-person. Do you write MG or YA novels? Are you looking for, and willing to give, constructive, honest critiques? Then this is the group for you.

Contact: chris.tennant@gmail.com

Milwaukie-Gladstone-Oregon City—FULL The Southeast Stories (SES) group focuses on mixed genre: fantasy, realistic, memoir writing, novel in verse, and/or illustration. They are eclectic. They meet once a month on 1st Monday at 6:00 pm, at Jone MacCulloch’s home.

Contact: Jone MacCulloch at macrush53@yahoo.com or call 503-290-6672.

Portland (North)—Now Meeting Online: Check Online Groups for current details The Attic Six focus on young adult and middle grade writing.

Portland—FULL NE Portland Critique Group - Serious writers intent on launching PB publishing careers to meet in-person (Portland, NE Hollywood area) once a month to nurture/polish manuscripts, pitches, and submission queries. Support and uplift each other during the writing-submission-publishing process.

Contact: Leigh at itsfromleigh@hotmail.com

Portland—OPEN Rose City Writers critiques all middle grade and young adult areas of kid lit. They meet every two weeks on Wednesday at 1pm.

Contact: Kimbra Kasch at kimbrakasch@gmail.com

Portland—FULL Very Hungry Writing Group is for writers in all categories of kidlit. I’m looking to start a new critique group with others who would like to have working meet-ups and exchange ideas and encouragement. Preference for weekday daytime meetings, like it’s a real job (it is!) and a dedication to snacks. I may not be the strongest critique partner for sci-fi/fantasy but YA/MG/NF/PB are all welcome.

Contact: Kyla Sweet at kyla.sweet@gmail.com

Portland—OPEN and actively seeking new members! Write, Read, Repeat is a fresh Portland group of avid, motivated writers, and solid, thoughtful readers. Meeting in-person weekly on Thursday nights. For writers of MG and/or YA fiction. 

Contact: TJ at TannerJRydell@gmail.com

Portland—FULL Viva Scriva critiques all genres of kid lit and meets monthly. 

Contact: Amber Keyser at amberjkeyser@gmail.com

Portland—FULL This unnamed group of writer friends encourages each other to create great stories; their main focus is picture books, although they are stretching and growing. They meet once a month at a member’s home.

Contact: Lizzy Carney at lizzycarney@comcast.net

Portland (South East)—FULL The Write Stuff focuses on picture books and illustrations. They meet the 1st week of each month at PCC S.E. Campus Library.

Contact: Deb Bartsch at debscasa.deb@gmail.com or Roz Malin at rrmalin@gmail.com

Redmond - OPEN The Redmond Critique & Book Club plans to meet on third Wednesdays of even months in the new Redmond Library or at Tite Knot Craft Coffee in Redmond, Oregon. Critiques will focus on PB to MG manuscripts and PB illustrations. The RCBC name is to carry on the tradition of Redmond's first book club from a century ago by sharing children's books.

Contact: Linnea at linneaheaney@gmail.com

Rogue Valley—FULL This group critiques picture books, chapter books, middle grade and YA. They meet monthly in Ashland.

Contact: Richard at truehome@jeffnet.org

Salem—OPEN New Picture Book group in Salem. Will meet monthly. First meeting is Wednesday, January 9, 2019 from 7 to 8:30 pm at Broadway Commons, 555 Gaines St. NE.

Contact: Mark Wade at wadema27@yahoo.com

Seaside—OPEN The North Coast MG/YA Writers, a new SCBWI critique group, focuses on middle grade and young adult fiction writing. Looking for members to join and set meeting dates, times, and locations.

Contact: Susan Firghil Park at susanamberpark@gmail.com

Tigard—FULL The Tigard Picture Book Group focuses on picture book writing, but critiques all genres of children’s literature. They meet once a month on the second Saturday of each month at 10 am, at the Tigard Public Library.

Contact: Pooja Nukala at pooja.nukala@gmail.com

updated 12/21/2024