
Critique Groups

Critique Groups/Meet-Ups

Critique groups are an essential way to improve your craft and learning about the business of writing and illustrating for children.

If you’d like to participate in a critique group, contact the group leaders.

If you’d like to LEAD a critique group, reach out! wpa@scbwi.org

Pittsburgh Writers & Illustrators Critique Group

Openings: Yes

Day/Time: 3rd (sometimes 4th) Thursdays at 7 PM EST

Dates in 2024 and 2025: Feb 13 / Mar 20 / Apr 17 / May 14 / June 26 / July 17 / Aug 21 / Sept 18 / Oct 16 / Nov 24 / Dec 11

Location: Zoom (join our slack for links!)

Genre/Ages: All kidlit genres / age ranges! Authors, illustrators, and author-illustrators welcome!

Contact: Joe Mruk - wpa-ara@scbwi.org

North Hills Critique Group

Openings: Yes

Day/Time: Fluctuates – based on group poll in a Slack Group. There is a daytime group and an evening group.

Location: Daytime group meets at the West View Hub, Evening group location varies by month

Genre/Ages: All kidlit genres/age ranges

Contact: SCBWI.wpa.critiquegroups@gmail.com

Slack Link: https://join.slack.com/t/scbwicritique-zvi1573/shared_invite/zt-2y7hcdfar-z5EIfjYWSaQmpCgb8d7h9Q 

South Hills Picture Book Makers

Openings: Yes: Open to Writers and Illustrators

Day/Time: Second Thursdays – 6 - 8 pm

Location: Galleria Mall – upstairs seating area by Panera Bread, 1500 Washington Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15228

Contact: Kris Sacco – kristinesacco59@gmail.com


We're looking for a Critique Group Coordinator!

SCBWI PA West is seeking a Critique Group Coordinator to help us host our online Pittsburgh Writers & Illustrators Critique Group and coordinate with other critique groups in the area to keep information up to date on the site. If this interests you, reach out to Joe at wpa-ra@scbwi.org for more information.