
Los Angeles Region

Events, Contests & Grants


Regional events give you more opportunities to network, learn and have fun with writers and illustrators in your area. The number and types of regional events sponsored by SCBWI-L.A. vary from year-to-year – evolving with the needs and interests of our members.

2025 Events:

January 11… Critique Day

March 29… Sketch Safari at the LA Zoo

April 26 - 27… L.A. Times Festival of Books

May… Toolbox Event: Topic TBD

July 13… Toolbox Event: Deep Dive into Craft

October 31 - November 2… Working Writers Retreat

SCBWI-L.A.’s members host smaller events throughout the year called LitMingles. LitMingles are informal get-togethers, often held monthly, where general topics are chosen for group discussion. Complete information about area LitMingles can be accessed on the LitMingle section of the website.


SCBWI is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. SCBWI Regions are managed by unpaid volunteers. 

Funds from regional events support programs that benefit SCBWI members.

Requests to refund registration fees for in-person activities will be decided on a case-by-case basis.  As part of the event planning process, Regional Advisors must sign contracts with venues, speakers, critiquers, vendors, and others who will be providing services during a regional activity. Registration fees collected for an event must cover the cost of these contracts; therefore, refunds are the exception rather than the rule. Requests to refund registration fees for in-person activities will be decided on a case-by-case basis.  In the rare case a refund is granted, it will always be less any credit card processing fees and any other processing expenses.

By registering for an event, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the event’s refund policy. 

Because fees paid to professionals for manuscript critiques, portfolio reviews, intensive programming, mentorships, pitch evaluations, and other exclusive offerings are contracted in advance, these fees cannot be refunded.

Registration fees paid for webinars or virtual events cannot be refunded because they are always available as recordings for 30 days following the actual broadcast.

2024 Events:

March 9... Writers Day

April 20 - 21... L.A. Times Festival of Books

June... Critique Day

September 22... OC Children's Book Festival

September 27 - 29... Working Writers Retreat

December 10... 2024 Holiday Zoom


The Los Angeles region honors and promotes the work of its writers and illustrators by offering several annual contests. Entry is free. Competing can help you gauge the level of your work and winning can help move you toward publication.

SCBWI-L.A. may introduce new contests and/or change existing contests at any time. Check back often for details on upcoming contests. Currently, the region offers the following:

Writers Day Contest

Illustrators Day Contest

Mentor Contest

Sue Alexander Grant

C. Harrington Scholarship

First-place winning manuscripts in any SCBWI-L.A. contest may not be entered in any subsequent SCBWI-L.A. contest.

Judging & Awards