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For PAL Members

PAL guidelines

SCBWI defines Published and Listed (PAL) members as creators whose work has been published by a traditional publisher of books or magazines

PAL publisher guidelines can be found here.


What are the benefits of being a PAL member?

PAL books are eligible for the Crystal Kite and Golden Kite Awards, and may be sold at SCBWI events. 

Note: All published children’s books (both PAL and non-PAL) are eligible for the Book Launch Grant, Online Book Launch Parties, and can be sold in the SCBWI Online Bookstore.

How do you update your SCBWI profile to PAL member status?

  1. Check the PAL publisher guidelines to ensure you meet the requirements.
  2. Click “Member Home” in the upper right corner of the SCBWI website.
  3. Click “Share Your Work” under your profile picture.
  4. Click “Add A Book”.
  5. Complete and submit the form. This will change your membership status to PAL Member. 

What if I’m self-published? Or my book does not meet SCBWI PAL guidelines?

If you’ve published a book in any form, you are welcome to participate in our MD/DE/WV regional PAL events and programming. 

How can I participate in the MD/DE/WV Region PAL community?

  1. Have your writing news featured in our monthly Regional Roundup newsletter (distributed via email). You are welcome to share your news about anything book-related (book birthday, signing, cover reveal, event, etc.). Fill out this Google Form by the 15th of each month to be featured in the following month’s Regional Roundup newsletter. Anything submitted after the 15th will roll-over to the next month’s newsletter.
  2. Help other creators develop craft and industry knowledge by becoming a webinar presenter; submit your proposal and a brief bio to  
  3. Join our region’s facebook group. 

Do you have questions or ideas for PAL member programming? 

Contact and include the words PAL MEMBER in the subject line.