Our Volunteers

NOTE: If your email client allows, you can click the name of the volunteer to send them a message. Or you can copy and paste their address into your email client.


Jennie Gollehon | Co-Regional Advisor | nebraska-ra@scbwi.org

Heather Dawn Torres | Co-Regional Advisor | nebraska-ra2@scbwi.org

Communications and Outreach

Tim Hantula | Published Author and Illustrator Liaison and Social Media Chair | scbwi.nebraska.pal@gmail.com

Judith Snyder | Critique Group Coordinator | scbwi.nebraska.critiques@gmail.com

Heather Dawn Torres | Newsletter Coordinator | scbwi.nebraska.newsletter@gmail.com

Nancy Sharp Wagner | Self-Publishing Liaison | scbwi.nebraska.selfpubliaison@gmail.com

Kim Ziemann | Discussion Board Moderator


Mary Beth Rice and Ashley Karges | Shop Talk Co-coordinators | scbwi.nebraska.shoptalk@gmail.com

Sheli Petersen | Webinar Coordinator | scbwi.nebraska.webinars@gmail.com

Katie Martens | Workshop Coordinator | scbwi.nebraska.workshop@gmail.com

OPEN | Retreat and Social Gatherings Coordinator | scbwi.nebraska.retreats@gmail.com


Jennie Gollehon | Tech Support | scbwi.nebraska.webmaster@gmail.com

Interested in becoming a volunteer? Contact Heather at nebraska-ra2@scbwi.org. A listing of the job descriptions for our chapter can be found by clicking here.