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SCBWI South Africa: Meet the Team

The SCBWI South Africa Regional Team and Volunteers

Volunteers from SCBWI South Africa make up the regional team and help local members feel supported and connected to a local creative community of writers, illustrators, and translators of children's literature.

Our Regional Team consists of:

Regional Advisor (RA) - Emily House

Assistant Regional Advisor (ARA) - Yvette de Beer

Illustrator Coordinator (IC) - Elizabeth Sparg

But our volunteers do not end there. The Regional Team owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the many volunteers who help ensure that our chapter continues to be active and vibrant: Our Webmaster, Elizabeth Sparg, works diligently to ensure that our website is up to date and our Event Coordinators organise local events, providing opportunities to socialise and network with other SCBWI members. Others volunteer at workshops and retreats or with specific tasks.

When you volunteer, you learn more about the industry and your craft. If you'd like to volunteer or if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

To get in touch with our team, please email Emily House at:

Regional Advisor
Yvette de Beer
Assistant Regional Advisor
Elizabeth Sparg
Illustrator Coordinator

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Introducing Your New Regional Team

At the end of July 2024, and after an extremely generous term of service, Elaine Ridge stepped down as our Regional Advisor. A little shuffling, a lot of pondering and a bit of recruiting went on behind the scenes but we are now ready to officially announce our new Regional Team for South Africa!


Thank you to Elaine Ridge

Last month, Elaine Ridge stepped down as Regional Advisor for South Africa after a whopping 16 years of service on the Regional Team. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us so generously, Elaine. Those are going to be some big shoes to fill! Elaine is not leaving SCBWI entirely (phew), and will still be actively involved in our writers’ critique group. However, we didn’t want her to slope off too quietly, so we nabbed her for a quick interview to hear about her experience of volunteering for us.