Creadores españoles de literatura infantil y juvenil / Spanish children’s books creators

En España no podemos ocultar la energía que llevamos dentro: queremos crear, escribir, dibujar, inventar, fabular… Es posible y necesario encontrar el hueco para nuestro estilo, nuestra expresión, nuestra historia, nuestro libro. / In Spain we cannot suppress the energy inside us: we want to write, to draw, to invent, to dream up, to create… It is possible and necessary to make room for our style, our expression, our story, our book.

La Cometa

En esta página podrás leer los números anteriores de La cometa, nuestro boletín bimensual en español, que contiene entrevistas, noticias, información de congresos, ferias, convocatorias y ferias de libros, entre otros. “La Cometa” is a bi-monthly digital bulletin in Spanish that provides reports on various literary and publishing events around the world, as well as interviews with agents, editors, and authors working in the children’s book market in Spain and Latin America, and information about contests, grants, courses, and other opportunities for writers and illustrators.

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Entrevistas SCBWI Spain

Andrea Noca: Sobre la hoja en blanco, el silencio y las piscinas

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La Cometa online magazine

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Entrevistas SCBWI Spain

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¿Quiénes somos? / Who we are?

Ale Díaz Bouza
Regional Advisor
Cristina Freeman
Assistant Regional Advisor

Preguntas Frecuentes / FAQ

Membership benefits

Jump into a quick overview of the benefits that SCBWI members can enjoy.

Becoming a translator

Translation: Some Frequently Asked Questions, by Avery Udagawa

Contacta / Contact

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